L’itinérance chez les femmes

L’itinérance chez les femmes

An English version of this blog post is available here. Je prépare un manuel en libre accès sur l'itinérance et je viens de publier le chapitre 8, qui se concentre sur l'itinérance vécue par les femmes. La version PDF du chapitre complet est disponible ici (en anglais...

Nick Falvo , PhD

Nick Falvo has a PhD in Public Policy and spent 10 years working on the front line with persons experiencing homelessness. He is Editor-in-Chief, North America, of the International Journal on Homelessness, and is the 2021 winner of the CMHC President’s Medal for Outstanding Housing Research.

Homelessness among racialized persons

Homelessness among racialized persons

La version française de ce billet se trouve ici. I’m writing an open access textbook on homelessness and have just released Chapter 7, which focuses on homelessness experienced by racialized persons. The PDF version of the full chapter is available here. Here are 10...